JUMP TOAPI V1Account AdminFetches approval settingsgetFetches approver rulesgetFetches approver slotsgetRetrieves specific approver slotsgetFetches asset groupsgetRetrieves specific asset groupsgetFetches task settingsgetRetrieves specific task settingsgetFetches task templatesgetFetches user asset permissionsgetFetches user space permissionsgetAppraisalsFetches appraisalsgetRetrieves specific appraisalsgetApprovalsFetches approvalsgetRetrieves specific approvalsgetFetches deal approvalsgetAssetsFetches assetsgetRetrieves specific assetgetRetrieves deal settings for given asset for specific accountgetBlended BudgetsFetches blended budgetsgetRetrieves specific blended budgetsgetBudgetsFetches budgetsgetRetrieves specific budgetsgetLeasing AvailabilityFetches a specific buildinggetFetches a set of buildingsgetFetches a specific listinggetCoordination ProjectsGets coordination projectsgetGets coordination projects for specific dealgetRetrieves specific coordination projectgetGets a coordination project's milestonesgetGets a list of coordination project milestonesgetGets specific coordination project milestonesgetDeal CommentsFetches Deal Comments for a Specific AccountgetRetrieves specific Deal CommentgetFetches Deal Comments for a Specific DealgetDeal IterationsFetches account deal iterationsgetRetrieves specific account deal iterationgetFetches Deal Iterations for a Specific DealgetDeal TasksFetches deal tasksgetRetrieves Tasks for Given Deal for Specific AccountgetFetches deal tasks for a DealgetFinancialsFetches Financials for a given deal termgetFetches Financials for lease terms and/or lease termsgetFetches Financials for a given lease termgetOptionsFetches options for Deal TermgetFetches options for Lease TermgetFetches optionsgetRetrieves Options for Specific AccountgetDeal TermsFetches deal termsgetRetrieves specific deal termgetDeal ToursFetches deal toursgetProposalsFetches proposalsgetFetches proposalsgetRetrieves specific proposalgetDealsFetches dealsgetRetrieves specific dealgetDelinquenciesFetches delinquenciesgetUpdates delinquencypatchCreates delinquencypostFetches delinquenciesgetUpdates delinquencypatchGlobal TenantsFetches global tenantsgetFetches specific global tenantgetLease TermsFetches lease termsgetRetrieves specific lease termgetLeasesGets leasesgetRetrieves specific leasegetRetail SalesCreates retail salepostFetches retail salesgetSpacesFetches spacesgetRetrieves specific spacegetTenant ContactsFetches Tenant Contacts for a Specific AccountgetRetrieves specific tenant contactsgetFetches tenant contactsgetTenant IndustriesFetches tenant industriesgetRetrieves specific tenant industrygetTenant UpdatesFetches tenant updatesgetTenantsFetches tenantsgetRetrieves specific tenantgetUsersFetches usersgetRetrieves specific usergetDownload Links APIDownload LinksDownload files URIsgetAuth2.0 accessAuth2.0 Access TokenGet access tokenpostGenetec Web SDKGeneralCheck online Status (keep alive)getGet decoded WebTokengetGet encoded WebTokengetShow remote exceptionpostHide remote exceptionpostReports > Access control > Activities > Access control unit eventsLimit result countgetReports > Access control > Activities > Area activitiesLimit result countgetReports > Access control > Activities > Cardholder activitiesLimit result countgetReports > Access control > Activities > Credential activitiesLimit result countgetReports > Access control > Activities > Door activitiesLimit result countgetReports > Access control > Activities > Elevator activitiesLimit result countgetReports > Access control > Activities > Visitor activitiesLimit result countgetReports > Access control > Activities > Zone activitiesLimit result countgetReports > Access control > Time attendanceFilter by time rangegetReports > Access control > Unused cardholdersUnused cardholdersgetReports > Access control > Raw eventsLimit result countgetReports > Activity trailsLimit result countgetReports > Audit trailsLimit result countgetReports > Asset eventsLimit result countgetReports > FusionRecordsgetRecord fusion providersgetRecord fusion extended fieldgetRecord fusion text searchgetReports > Health historyLimit result countgetReports > Health statisticsLimit result countgetReports > Hardware inventoryLimit result countgetReports > Intrusion detection > Intrusion detection unit eventsLimit result countgetReports > Intrusion detection > Intrusion detection area activitiesLimit result countgetReports > LPR > HitsHitsgetReports > LPR > ReadsReadsgetReports > LPR > Parking zone activityParking zone activitiesgetReports > LPR > Reads/hits per dayReads/hits per daygetReports > LPR > Parking sessionLimit result countgetReports > LPR > Parking session by IDLimit result countgetReports > Video > Archiver eventsLimit result countgetReports > Video > Archiver statisticsLimit result countgetReports > Video > Blocking video eventLimit result countgetReports > Video > Bookmark eventLimit result countgetReports > Video > Camera configurationCamera configurationgetReports > Video > Camera eventsLimit result countgetReports > Video > Camera integrityCamera integritygetReports > Video > File deletion eventLimit result countgetReports > Video > Motion searchLimit result countgetReports > Video > Motion eventLimit result countgetReports > Video > Recording eventLimit result countgetReports > Video > Video sequenceLimit result countgetReports > Video > Video fileFilter by video protection statesgetReports > Video > Video ThumbnailGet thumbnail timestamps for one sourcegetReports > Video > Archive transfer > Archive transfer reportArchive transfergetReports > Video > Archive transfer > Transfer history details reportArchive transfer history detailsgetReports > Video > Archive transfer > Transfer history reportTransfer history reportgetIncidentsGet incidentsgetCreate incidentputGet incidentgetGet incident detailsgetLicenseGet license item usagesgetGet license usagegetStreamGet audio in Url playbackgetGet audio in Url livegetGet audio out url livegetGet video playback url with stream typegetGet video live url with stream typegetGet video playback UrlgetGet video live UrlgetGet Ptz UrlgetGets media playback video urlgetGets media live video urlgetEntitiesCheck entity existencegetRetrieve an entitygetDelete an entitydeleteGet basic information of an entitygetSearch for entities by a custom field valuegetEntities > Access pointsGet access pointgetEntities > Access rulesGet access rulegetEntities > AlarmsGet alarms instancesgetForward alarm to multiple recipientsgetGet alarmgetGet active alarmsgetEntities > Analog monitorsGet analog monitorgetEntities > ALPR unitsGet ALPR unitgetEntities > ApplicationsGet applicationgetEntities > ArchiversGet archivergetEntities > AreasGet areagetEntities > CamerasGet cameragetEntities > Camera sequencesGet camera sequencegetEntities > CardholdersGet cardholdergetEntities > Cardholder groupsGet cardholder groupsgetGet cardholder group membersgetEntities > Cash registersGet cash registergetEntities > CredentialsGet credentialgetEntities > Credentials > SearchFind unused credentialsgetFind credential with license plate numbergetEntities > Custom entitiesGet custom entitygetGet existing custom entity type descriptorsgetGet custom entity type descriptorgetDelete custom entity type descriptordeleteEntities > DoorsGet doorgetEntities > ElevatorsGet elevatorgetEntities > FilesGet audio filegetEntities > FloorsGet floorgetEntities > Intrusion areasGet intrusion areagetEntities > Intrusion unitsGet intrusion unitgetEntities > MacrosGet macrogetGet running macrosgetEntities > MapsGet mapgetEntities > PartitionsGet partitiongetSet creation partitionspostEntities > Output behaviorsGet output behaviorgetEntities > NetworksGet networkgetEntities > RoutesGet routegetEntities > SchedulesGet schedulegetEntities > Scheduled tasksGet scheduled taskgetEntities > ServersGet servergetEntities > StreamsGet streamgetEntities > UnitsAssign to Access Manager rolepostEntities > UsersGet usergetEntities > User tasksGet user taskgetEntities > VisitorsGet archived visitorsgetSearch a visitor by first and last namegetUpdate VisitorpostGet visitorgetEntities > ZonesGet zonegetEventsRaise an eventpostEvents > MonitoringTurn on alarm monitoringpostTurn off alarm monitoringpostSubscribe to an eventgetUnsubscribe from an eventgetGet event subscriptionsgetOpen a real time event streamgetClose connectionpostEvents > Custom eventsRaise a custom eventpostRaise a custom event with messagepostThreat levelsGet threat levelsgetCustom fieldsGet the value of a custom field of an entitygetDelete a custom fielddeleteSet the value of a custom fieldputCreate custom fieldpostEvent-to-actionsGet actionsgetRemove all actionspostGet actionsget http://{{scheme}}//{host}:{port}/{baseUrl}/entity