Nov 19 update
Nov 14 update
Table updated to include data_type column and removed table_name column
Nov 6 update
Nov 5 update
Oct 24 update
Table now pulls more than just reservation data it includes events, forms and submissions from other content types.
New Fields:
Deleted Fields:
LAST_UPDATED_AT > This was actually a pipeline timestamp not updated at timestamp for the interaction
RESERVATION_DETAILS > removed as it only provided start and end time info - which is now in columns
RESERVATION_JSON > provided redundant info
Name Changes:
Old Column Name | New Column Name |
Table Schema
column_name | data_type | description |
ALL_GROUP_ROLES | TEXT | The teams in the product the user belongs to |
ALLOTTED_QUANTITY | NUMBER | Allotted quantity (when using quantity allocation) configured for quantity reservations |
BOOKING_STATUS | TEXT | The booking status of the reservation |
CHANNEL_URL | TEXT | URL of the channel where the reservable content was interacted with |
CONTENT_CATEGORY | TEXT | User identified categories for a piece of Activate content |
CONTENT_CHANNEL_DISPLAY_NAME | TEXT | Display name of the location channel that the reservable content was created on |
CONTENT_CHANNEL_ID | TEXT | Unique identifier for a channel |
CONTENT_CHANNEL_NAME | TEXT | Name of the location channel that the reservable content was created on |
CONTENT_CHANNEL_TYPE | TEXT | The type of channel, such as: property, restaurant, company, retail. |
CONTENT_DESCRIPTION | TEXT | Description field of the reservable content |
CONTENT_ID | TEXT | Unique ID of the reservable content |
CONTENT_NAME | TEXT | Description field of the reservable content |
CONTENT_TAGS | VARIANT | Data Collection Tags selected on the reservable page |
CONTENT_TYPE | TEXT | Type of content |
CONTENT_URL | TEXT | URL of the reservable page interacted with |
CREATED_AT | TIMESTAMP_NTZ | UTC timestamp when the reservation was created |
CREATED_BY_ID | TEXT | Unique ID of the user that created the reservation |
EVENT_END_LOCAL | TIMESTAMP_NTZ | Event end time, in location's local time |
EVENT_END_UTC | TIMESTAMP_NTZ | Event end time, in UTC |
EVENT_LOCAL_TIMEZONE | TEXT | Timezone of the location where the reservation was made, which is the event timezone |
EVENT_START_LOCAL | TIMESTAMP_NTZ | Event start time, in location's local time |
EVENT_START_UTC | TIMESTAMP_NTZ | Event start time, in UTC |
HAS_USER_SATISFIED_QUANTITY_ALLOCATION_RULES | BOOLEAN | Boolean indicating if the user satisfied the quantity allocation rules |
INTERACTION_ID | TEXT | User Interaction Unique identifier |
IS_CONTENT_EVENT | BOOLEAN | If the reservable content is of type Post (i.e a timed based content) and using the "this is an event" flag |
IS_PAYMENT_COMPLETE | BOOLEAN | Whether the payment has been completed or not |
IS_QUANTITY_ALLOCATIONS_ENABLED | BOOLEAN | Boolean indicating whether quantity allocations is enabled |
IS_VISIBLE_TO_MORE_THAN_1_CHANNEL | BOOLEAN | Boolean indicating if the content is visible to more than one location |
PARENT_ID | TEXT | Unique ID of the parent channel (Portfolio or Company) that the reservable content was created on |
PARENT_NAME | TEXT | Name of the parent channel that the reservable content was created on |
PRICE | NUMBER | The price paid for this reservation. $1 = 10000. Without payment, it is null |
QUANTITY | NUMBER | Reservation quantity for quantity reservations |
RESERVATION_END_LOCAL | TIMESTAMP_NTZ | Reservation end time, in location's local time |
RESERVATION_END_UTC | TIMESTAMP_NTZ | Reservation end time, in UTC |
RESERVATION_LOCAL_TIMEZONE | TEXT | Timezone of the location where the reservation was made |
RESERVATION_START_LOCAL | TIMESTAMP_NTZ | Reservation start time, in location's local time |
RESERVATION_START_UTC | TIMESTAMP_NTZ | Reservation start time, in UTC |
TOTAL_IMPRESSIONS | NUMBER | Total number of times the reservable content's card/thumbnail is displayed |
TOTAL_INTERACTIONS | NUMBER | Total number of times a reservation is interacted with ex. created, cancelled, updated |
TOTAL_MEMBER_IMPRESSIONS | NUMBER | Total number of times the reservable content's card/thumbnail is displayed to users in a workplace member team (i.e not Admins or VTS employees) |
TOTAL_MEMBER_INTERACTIONS | NUMBER | Total number of times a reservation is interacted with ex. created, cancelled, updated by users in a workplace member team (i.e not Admins or VTS employees) |
TOTAL_MEMBER_VIEWS | NUMBER | Total number of times the reservable content is viewed by users in a workplace member team |
TOTAL_QUANTITY | NUMBER | Total quantity configured for quantity reservations |
TOTAL_VIEWS | NUMBER | Total number of times the reservable content is viewed |
UNIQUE_IMPRESSIONS | NUMBER | Total number of times the reservable content's card/thumbnail is displayed to unique users |
UNIQUE_INTERACTIONS | NUMBER | Total number of times a reservation is interacted with ex. created, cancelled, updated by unique users |
UNIQUE_MEMBER_IMPRESSIONS | NUMBER | Total number of times the reservable content's card/thumbnail is displayed to unique users in a workplace member team (i.e not Admins or VTS employees) |
UNIQUE_MEMBER_INTERACTIONS | NUMBER | Total number of times a reservation is interacted with ex. created, cancelled, updated by unique users in a workplace member team (i.e not Admins or VTS employees) |
UNIQUE_MEMBER_VIEWS | NUMBER | Total number of times the reservable content is viewed by unique users in a workplace member team |
UNIQUE_VIEWS | NUMBER | Total number of times the reservable content is viewed by unique users |
UPDATED_AT | TIMESTAMP_NTZ | UTC timestamp when the reservation was updated at |
UPDATED_BY_ID | TEXT | Unique ID of the user that updated the reservation |
USER_COMPANY_CHANNEL_ID | TEXT | Unique ID of the Channel Type = "Company" that the user that created this reservation belongs to |
USER_COMPANY_NAME | TEXT | Name of the Channel Type = "Company" that the user that created this reservation belongs to |
USER_PRIMARY_LOCATION_ID | TEXT | Unique ID of the Primary Channel Type = "Company" that the user that created this reservation belongs to |
USER_PRIMARY_LOCATION_NAME | TEXT | Name of the Primary Channel Type = "Company" that the user that created this reservation belongs to |
USER_COMPANY_DISPLAY_NAME | TEXT | Display Name of the Channel Type = "Company" that the user that created this reservation belongs to |
Updated about 1 month ago