Going Live
Once all the functionality has been tested and approved by customers and the 3rd party developer is confident in the setup. 2 main things need to happen
- VTS to enable the redirect URL in production and set up the integration on the buidlings
- Customers need to place the page within the building's app experience
To enable the integration in production
Please send the request to go live support@activate.vts.com - using the template below - with your VTS account rep and customer main contact CC'ed.
Subject: OIDC integration go live request
I would like the OIDC integration for the following customer to be enabled in production
Customer information:
- Customer Name: ex. 480 Main
- Location URL(s): ex. https://activate.vts.com/l/tab/480-main-st/home {please ensure location name is in URL} of all locations where this needs to be enabled
- Whitelabel name: ex. 480 Main in apple app store
OIDC Configuration information:
- Test account info {so our teams can validate its been enabled correctly}
- Username
- Password {please provide via one time password or similar tool}
- Production URLs:
- Redirect URL (ex. www.service-provider.com/vts)
- Callback URL (this is the url that will receive the token - it can be the same as the redirect URL) ex: www.service-provider.com
Thank You
VTS will provide:
Response time can vary but usually within 5 business days
- VTS will enable the integration in all locations
- Create a page with the integration that can be placed by the customers in each locations app experience
Updated 4 months ago